Hunting - Red Deer
Queensland: The quality of stags in Queensland has never been particularly high in regards to top class trophies, but it is an exciting hunt. March and April is usually the peak season for hunting. Numbers are good in Queensland and the herd is being improved by the introduction of new blood by several private groups. Hunting is on private land and success rate on stags 10 points or better is very good for a 7-day hunt.
South Australia: The hunting of red deer in South Australia is confined to Water Valley game reserve where clients have collected many world-class red stags. Our hunters success on stags 12 points or better is 100% many of which are over 40 inches in length and up to 20 points Take a look at the stags in the red deer section of the hunting photo gallery.
New Zealand: Hunting red deer in New Zealand can be arranged for both free range and park hunting. The free-range hunting requires a fairly high level of fitness and bush skills. The hunt can be extremely rewarding and challenging, hunting is carried out on private property with access to ten’s of thousands of acres of native forest. Hunting the North Island bush for stags is an unforgettable experience long to be remembered. The park hunting can be no less exciting and the opportunity to collect a top trophy is very high. All park hunting is carried out on private property and the availability of exceptional trophies is assured.
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